Activites held to promote youth communication between China...

Various activities promoting youth communication between China and Africa were organized this summer. With the help of African volunteers from local universities, Chinese s...


围绕自由行、定制游提供特色服务 除了传统跟团游,李仲伟发现,入境游“散客化”倾向在今年更为明显,自由行、定制游比例逐渐升高。不仅打卡北京、上海、西安等城市的传统热门景点,外国游客开始坐高铁,逛小城,走进网红菜市场,更深度地体验中国。 蒋映鑫接待的基本都是小...

青春,最为人歌颂的人生时光;青年,最被寄托于希望的“锐进之子”。 致留YOUNG青年 最美好的青春时光,你希望如何度过?一千个“你”会有一千种答案。 此时的你选择走向世界,去GO(够)远的地...

Since the initiative to solicit member units was released, the number of alliance member units has reached 30. At the event, the Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the agency directly under the National Health Commission presented the flag ...

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